
         Using blitter for line drawing:

Besides copying data and filling areas, the blitter has one more talent: drawing lines. In line mode, almost all of the blitter registers change their functions.
The blitter draws lines at incredible speeds, much faster than the 68000. Unfortunately, you can't just give the blitter two points and then tell it to connect the dots. You need to perform some calculations first.
Let's say that you want to draw a line from point (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). From these coordinates you need to figure out the horizontal and vertical distance between the line's two end points. This is easily calculated using the following two formulas:
dx = abs(x1-x2) dy = abs(y1-y2)
Now you're ready to give the BLTCON1 register at $dff042 some information about the physical orientation of the line.
If (dx >= dy) and (x1 >= x2) set bit 2. If (dx < dy) and (y1 >= y2) set bit 2. If (dx >= dy) and (y1 >= y2) set bit 3. If (dx < dy) and (x1 >= x2) set bit 3. If (dx >=dy) set bit 4.
Together, these bits define the octant (position relative to the line's starting position) in which the line will appear. The following shows how the Amiga divides the screen into octants:
\ | / * = x1,y1 \3 | 1/ Note: The numbers shown in this figure 7 \ | / 6 represent the combined value of BLTCON1's \|/ bits 2-4. If the line appears on the border ----X---- of two octants, it does not matter which of /|\ the two octants you select. 5 / | \ 4 /2 | 0\ / | \
Next, you need to determine which value is larger: dx or dy. Let dmax equal the greater value, and dmin the lesser value. Now use these values to set the following registers:
dmax = max(dx,dy) dmin = min(dx,dy) BLTBMOD = 4* dmin BLTAMOD = 4 * (dmax-dmin) BLTAPTL = (4 * dmin) - (2 * dmax)
These formulas define the line's slope. If the result of the last calculation BLTAPTL is negative, you must store a 1 in the SIGN bit (6) of the BLTCON1 register.
Besides holding the line's octant number and the negative/positive status of the line's slope, BLTCON1 affects the line's physical appearance. If you're drawing lines to enclose an area that you plan to fill later using blitter fill mode, you should set the ONEDOT bit (1) equal to one. This tells the blitter to draw lines using only one pixel per raster, thus providing a single pixel border for your object.
To create textured lines, BLTCON1's bits 12-15 work in conjunction with the BLTBDAT register ($dff072). The bit pattern found in BLTBDAT defines the pixel pattern used to draw lines. For normal solid lines, set all of BLTBDAT's bits to one. (i.e. $ffff) Other values create dotted or dashed lines. Bits 12-15 in BLTCON1 allow you to specify which bit in BLTBDAT, 0-15, defines the status of the first pixel in the line. For most practical purposes, BLTCON1's bits 12-15 should be set equal to the value of x1's lower 4 bits. (i.e. x1 AND $0f) This informs the blitter to start the line off with the value found in BLTBDAT's MSB (15). IMPORTANT: ALWAYS SET BLTCON1 PRIOR TO BLTBDAT!
BLTCON1's bit 5 should always be set to zero, as should bits 7 through 11. To tell the blitter that you want to draw lines instead of copy data, the LINE bit (0) must be set to 1.
The Amiga needs certain information about the size and location of the screen's bitmap before it can draw a line. First, store the byte-width (number of pixels divided by 8) of the bitmap in the BLTCMOD and BLTDMOD registers ($dff060 and $dff066). Next, you must put the address of the word containing the starting point of the line into the BLTCPT and BLTDPT registers. ($dff048 and $dff054)
Only one bitplane can be written to during a single blitter operation. So, to draw a line of a particular color on a multiple bitplane screen, it may be necessary to perform two or more line blits. In these cases, you set the registers up for the first bitplane as usual, and perform the blit; then for subsequent bitplanes, you simply reinitialize the registers with the same values EXCEPT for the registers BLTCPT and BLTDPT, which must contain the address of the line's starting point within the new bitplane.
As with blitter copy mode, you must set bits 0-7 in the BLTCON0 register ($dff040) to choose a miniterm. Usually, you should store $ca here, but if you prefer to XOR your line onto the screen (invert all the pixels found on the line), store a $4a here.
BLTCON0's bits 8-11 should be set equal to $b. (This activates blitter source A and C, and destination D.) Store x1's lower four bits (x1 AND $0f) into BLTCON0's bits 12-15. The blitter uses this value to determine the bit position of the line's starting point within the bitplane memory location specified by registers BLTCPT and BLTDPT.
Now, set BLTADAT ($dff074) equal to $8000. (Set this register only AFTER you've set BLTCON0) Only two more registers must be set before you can activate the blitter: BLTAFWM and BLTALWM. ($dff044 and $dff046) Store a $ffff into both.
Finally, you're ready to start the blitter by writing to the BLTSIZE register ($dff058). Use the following formula to determine the value that you should store into this register:
BLTSIZE = (dmax * 64) + 66
Because writing to BLTSIZE turns on the blitter, this should be the last register that you set.
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