This register controls all of the DMA channels, and contains
         blitter DMA status bits.

+------+----------+--------------------------------------------+ | BIT# | FUNCTION | DESCRIPTION | +------+----------+--------------------------------------------+ | 15 | SET/CLR | Set/Clear control bit. Determines if bits | | | | written wit a 1 get set or cleared. | | | | Bits written with a zero are unchanged. | | 14 | BBUSY | Blitter busy status bit (read only) | | 13 | BZERO | Blitter logic zero status bit. (read only) | | 12 | X | | | 11 | X | | | 10 | BLTPRI | Blitter DMA priority (over CPU micro) | | | | (also called "blitter nasty") | | | | (disables /BLS pin, preventing micro | | | | from stealing any bus cycles while | | | | blitter DMA is running) | | 09 | DMAEN | Enable all DMA below (also UHRES DMA) | | 08 | BPLEN | Bit plane DMA enable (BPLxPT) | | 07 | COPEN | Coprocessor DMA enable (COPxLC) | | 06 | BLTEN | Blitter DMA enable (BLTxPT) | | 05 | SPREN | Sprite DMA enable (SPRxPT) | | 04 | DSKEN | Disk DMA enable (DSKPT) | | 03 | AUD3EN | Audio chanel 3 DMA enable (AUD3LC) | | 02 | AUD2EN | Audio chanel 2 DMA enable (AUD2LC) | | 01 | AUD1EN | Audio chanel 1 DMA enable (AUD1LC) | | 00 | AUD0EN | Audio chanel 0 DMA enable (AUD0LC) | +------+----------+--------------------------------------------+
Note: Because of timing problems with '020+ processors and/or old chip-sets, you should wait a short while before testing BBUSY. A "tst.w DMACONR" before the test will provide the appropriate delay.
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